Season 2 WCTH Quotes

Season 2: When Calls the Heart, Hallmark Channel

#Hearties Favorite Quotes

 Episode 1: Trials of the Heart
 Episode 2: Heart and Soul
 Episode 3: Heart’s Desire

“That was the best kiss I’ve ever had.” -Jack Thornton
“Oh, did we kiss? Gosh, I don’t remember.” -Elizabeth Thatcher
“Well, I’d be happy to refresh your memory.” -Jack

“From your lips to God’s ears!” -Abigail Stanton

“We can’t dwell on what we can’t change.” -Elizabeth Thatcher

“If she follows her heart, I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”-Jack Thornton to William Thatcher

“Really? You may be selling young man, but I’m not buying. Not buying! Good story, though!”-Lee Coulter

“But no one does it alone. We all need help at times.” Pastor Frank

“Well, I believe Miss Thatcher will be occupied for the remainder of the evening.” -Mary Dunbar

“That man was pounding nails like he was Noah bracing for the flood.”-Florence Blakeley

“We changed Gertrude’s name to Lizzie.”-Nellie Harper

 Episode 4: Awakenings & Revelations
 Episode 5: Heart and Home  
 Episode 6: Coming Together, Coming Apart

“In my experience, I’ve learned there are two things you cannot have any influence over—young love and mules!” Pastor Frank Hogan

”Miss Rosemary, you are one hard woman to say no to.” Michael Hickam

“That woman could give a pack of wild horses a run for their money.” -Lee Coulter

“Once that woman gets an idea in her head, she’s like a dog on a downwind scent.” -Jack Thornton

“She took me on a tour of Hope Valley. Showed me the pond. Beautiful spot.” Charles Kensington
“It is. It’s excellent fishing out there.” Jack Thornton
“I suppose. But it would appear that you need the right bait in order to catch anything.” Charles
“Yeah. Some fish seem to like one type of bait more than another.” Jack
“Of course. I suppose the question is, how does the fisherman know which is the best bait?” Charles
“I find that people that have the most success seem to fish everyday. So it helps if you’re a local.” Jack
“And have you had much success lately?” Charles
“I’d say it’s been pretty good… Charles, I don’t mind sharing one thing I’ve learned. You don’t need an expensive lure. Just your ordinary, everyday life bait seems to be all you need to reel them in.” Jack
“Thanks for the tip.” Charles

“Are you going to marry Constable Thornton?”-Emily Montgomery
“I’m not marrying anybody.”-Elizabeth Thatcher
“EVER?!”-Albert “Pockets” Bickley
“Maybe someday, but not right away…. So unless you want more homework, I suggest you focus on your propositions. I mean prepositions!”-Elizabeth

“Father’s forbidden me to see Tom ever again. And I’ll die if I don’t see him! I’ll wither away and die”-Julie Thatcher
“You won’t die!”-Elizabeth Thatcher
“Then I’ll wither.”-Julie 

”If that’s a threat, Mr. Gowen, I suggest you not cross the people who prepare your food!” Abigail Stanton

”It means that your life should be more than shopping sprees and chasing men! You should be finding your purpose.” Elizabeth Thatcher to her sister, Julie

”Tom, I believe in you.” Jack Thornton to his brother, Tom

“You certainly know how to sweep a girl of her feet, don’t you?” Rosemary Leveaux
“I’m trying my best!” Lee Coulter

 Episode 7: With All My Heart

 “I love you, Elizabeth Thatcher.” -Jack Thornton
“I love you, too.” -Elizabeth Thatcher


If you’re favorite season 2 quote is not listed above, please share it in the comments to be added to this list.


 Season 1 Quotes                                          Season 3 Quotes