Coal Valley Kids Chat: Mitchell (Gabe Montgomery) Kummen
(Originally posted April 17, 2014)
Featuring Karen Mitchell and Mitchell (Gabe Montgomery) Kummen
Episode 1: Lost and Found
#Hearties – Welcome to the first ever COAL VALLEY KIDS CHAT.
THANK YOU, Karen and Mitchell for sharing with us some of your insights and experiences on the set of “When Calls The Heart.”
A special “Thank you” to the very gracious “Daft Ma” who told me that the boys (Gabe and James) are still not fessin’ up as to which one of them actually clobbered (“P”ow) Miss Thatcher. (She also said I could call her that.)
Now, let’s hear from Karen and Mitchell:
As one of the children of Coal Valley, I am honored to be the first of many AMAZING Child actors on Coal Valley Kids Chat. I can tell you we are a community of heart and fortitude in the face of disaster. First the church burning down, so the school is in the saloon, and then the mine disaster. As Gabe, I am the eldest of 3 children, whose Pa was in the mine explosion. Gabe has had to step up and become the man of the house. It is suddenly thrust upon him to go from teenage hi jinx to defending the family name and everyone in it. He gets into fights over his convictions and what he believes in. In one scene you may have barely heard it but Gabe tells James his ma is daft!
We still quote this line around our house. Every time Mom forgets something we hear “Ma is Daft.” We recite a few more favorite lines from different episodes but I do not want to spoil them for you – I will let you choose your own favorite quotes!
While Gabe struggles with the emotions of a normal teenage boy, as he too quickly becomes a man, he learns in the end that truth prevails and truly does set him free.
When shooting the shed scene, it was so emotional my mom had to leave the area, and I’m told Gabe made all the crew cry. Daniel and Erin really helped me get to where I needed to be in that scene.
Gabe develops a sincere connection with Abigail Stanton as she forgives and understands Gabe’s situation. Together they share something special that Abigail has allowed to be placed on the wall of the school room (saloon) for all to share.
(Photography Credit: Copyright 2013 Crown Media United States, LLC)
when and how does Gabe leave the show?